Nationalism, the expression in whicn I think, the first source of extremism which I suffer sometimes. I'm very interested in politics, history and Religion comparison(though I dont know how can someone like me can be interested in fields which are almost never common with like 99.99% of the people in around my surroundings…
There interests introduced to the blakc history and present of our humanity, and how imposible for any form of living to be perfect…or even to be as perfect as possible…
Abosrbed in this shocking realization, I began to relieve myself more and more, hoping for more and more approaching to a practical way of living…To be more drowned in the world of words…aka books…which always remained my true love…Being for me whenever I needed them…But again…I suffer this idiot inherted phenomena named privacy invading…
I used to read a lot, to be ill wit hthe habit of eating books…which was something dangerous for my parents, my doctor parents…
They always argued me to stop or lessen reading…and what is worst is that when they see books which are of opposition politics orientation…
I dont know if they have a bit of hidden jealousy in themselves, since I never detected a single sign of heard any mentioning to the sense of reading…