After I went to Chile, I’m trying to expose myself to the music of different languages. Spanish and French mainly. From time to time I find songs with English version.
After listening to the English version, I still don’t find the beauty I feel in my heart when I listen to the original language. I may not understand every word, but the original language always reaches my heart, which is usually not the case with translated English versions.
If you don’t know, I’m the editor of the Arabic version of Global Voices Online. I edit translations from the English version to the Arabic one. I do this mainly for my interest to increase Arabic content on the web. I also see original posts in Spanish translated to English. In translations, I don’t see the beauty of the original language.
Originality has music, has a different taste, something you can enjoy, adds to your soul. If you can, learn as many languages as you can, to enjoy its originality.
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