Welcome to the 2019 Global Voices Lingua newsletter! And happy new year everyone! 2018 was a difficult and equally wonderful year. It was quite an experience going through the birth of my girl, Sophia, and experience the beautiful responsibility of parenthood.
So, 2018 was an exciting year, we did a lot of interviews, conducted meetups, shared tips, remembered friends, continued partnerships and created Lingua sites!

Lingua in Colombo Summit, Sri Lanka
Before I go forward with the next topic in the newsletter, I wanted to say that one of the strongest perks of being in Global Voices, and especially Lingua, is the diversity and connectedness of this community. You are usually one step away from knowing a culture you will probably not going to experience, at least not easily. For me personally, it is not only about translation, being professional about it, or even put one’s skills into our work, but it is also about being personal when you translate. Being personal as your passion pushes you towards more. This connection with each other, this passion, grows and grows leading to wear other hats like writing, drawing, podcasting, community management, and many more!

Taiwan Meetup, Oct 2018
After saying all this, I now realize that I need to ask you for help, and not only this once, but let’s do it one step at a time. In this issue, I want to know if you are interested in helping me recruit new applicants and create new users for Lingua sites in need, as a form of inter-language-region activity, to continue keeping this community vibrant and connected. Trust me, this experience will widen your horizon and open your mind, eyes, and soul to things you never thought existed. Contact me if you are interested!
Even if you don't have the time, I highly encourage you to get to know your fellow contributors, as well as the authors of the posts you translate! I understand that many of us can be introverts or shy, so was I when I first joined Lingua. If you need help with an introduction, I'm just a click away!

Lingua in Santiago summit, Chile. 2010
Finally, I want to thank each Lingua contributor for their time and effort towards Global Voices! And a special thank you goes to our Lingua Translation Managers, who work every day to make Lingua the way it is!
Here’s to 2019, a new year full of great expectations, full of positive changes, full of knowing exceptional people. Here’s to a new year where each one of you feels how important you are, to yourselves and to each other. Thank you for being you. I wish I can be good enough a person helping and mentoring, as much as I learn from you every day. Power to Lingua!
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