Bullying, by Dalia098, used under (CC BY-SA 3.0)
It is a pity that in Wikipedia projects, internal policies are created with no regard for basic community management, no regard for capacity building, no regard for how to write to "normal" people in a virtual environment.
This reminds me of the old tactic of hiring the best engineer as the next CEO, instead of being a consultant. Or maybe hiring the best engineers as an executive board. It can be efficient when starting a project, but it is not sustainable.
It turns into a suffocating environment. Every administrator will eventually turn into a "respect my authority" gatekeeper instead of serving the common-sense role of a cloud-based encyclopedia, to document.
An administrator doesn't spend money from their pocket to enforce a stupid notability rule. An administrator does not have the right or capacity to determine a certain person to be a "bubble"? What the FUCK does that even mean? How can you dehumanize a person to be a bubble?
It is time for the Wikimedia Foundation to take over the internal policies of different Wikipedia projects if you want a non-toxic environment. The administrators in old sites are trained to elude accountability, to get impunity from whatever toxic environment they nurture.
What the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting now, by leaving the administrators of different sites take 100% control of how the site operates, is just enabling bullies. Administrators for major Wikipedia sites have NO SINGLE IDEA what community management even means. Act now!