Are you a successful leader ?

Are leaders born or made? I think there's no need to discuss that every one of us is a leader somehow, so can we learn superior leadership skills? Well of course I'm not sure about that but I'll try to list the specific actions that successful leaders carry out, regardless of the organization or cause they lead.

Effective Leaders, those who make others feel important. If your goals and decisions are self centered, followers will lose their enthusiasm quickly. React with their contributions it's not all about orders and direction listen to them so they will listen to you.

Sketch a future vision, followers need a clear idea of where you're leading them, and they need to understand why that goal is valuable to them and what exactly their rule is. Your job as a leader is to provide that vision.

Here's a golden rule. Treat your followers the way you enjoy being treated and admit mistakes. You cover up your own errors but your followers just searching for it, they'll hide their mistakes too and you'll get disconnected.

Stop criticizing people in public. Public praise encourages others to excel, but public criticism only embarrasses and alienates everyone and they unconscious will search for your defects

I've one more hint, you need to be visible to the members of your team so stay close to the action.. Talk to people, ask questions, and check on their every day work. Often you will gain new insights and find new opportunities for motivating your followers.

People I don't believe in focusing on the game of competition. The competitive drive can be a valuable tool if you use it correctly but never try to disunite your team member to be a leader you just gonna lose your power before losing your respect .

Never forget that you're partners whether you were a boss or a team leader or an owner of a company you still need those people so considerate their rule, their goals and their effort. Then you can call yourself a leader ......... a successful one

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