Commitment. Part One.


One big word which can be a great title with numerous sub-titles. Of course most of us human beings are committed to our home land, to the nation, you know…the average meaning of patriotism. You are committed to this country you are living in through the whole system things are happening, whenever this system is right or wrong. In the end in everyone's inside there is a feeling which enables the human being to make his country better when s/he has the chance. This is one of the most positive forms of commitment.

When we get to another minor form of this commitment, a tie which the human tie him'herself to a small place, a place of which the human think that it contains memories, valuable memories which is really valuable. But, sometimes for preserving the stay in this place there is a precious price. Sometimes you pay from your time, your money, your…health, for the return of memories. I guess that if the price is too precious, one must have a turn-over, must have a talk with one's self. Does this price equals the importance I feel from preserving my stay? Or…what?
The need to change versus Commitment. The ability to go on after intentionally leaving something valuable to yourself.

to be continued.

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