Posts by: Mohamed ElGohary
An Egyptian veteran blogger.Global VoicesLingua manager.
Black Out from Mayye Zayed on Vimeo.
Khaled Said, a 28-year-old Egyptian from the coastal city of Alexandria, was allegedly tortured to death at the hands of two officers who wanted to search him under the emergency law.
The story began on 7th June 2010 when Khaled Said went to his usual Internet cafe in Sidigaber …
Then two wild detective cops (Mahmoud Alfallah and Awaad Elmokhber) ambushed that cafe asking people for their IDs which is totally out of their authority and without legal permission.
Khaled did reject that way of inhumane treatment and consequently was attacked so viciously , was kicked in his chest and belly severely, and his skull was smashed with the marble bar before all people and witnesses in the cafe while Khaled was bleeding.
Then savage cops abducted Khaled and put him inside the police vehicle to continue torturing him to death in the police station. Finally, they threw his corpse in the street to claim that he was attacked by some strangers in order to avoid responsibility. The cops were released few hours later and some protesters were arrested.
Shocking pictures of Khaled Said's body, whose face is almost unrecognizable from the beating he received, at the hands of the Egyptian police and in public according to reports, has been posted on the internet.
Check the photos here:
On the 12th of June 2010 the department of media and public relations of the Egyptian ministry of interior issued a statement denying the content of the testimonies of eyewitnesses as well as reports by human rights organizations. The statement also claimed that Khaled Said was a "wanted criminal," with two convictions in absentia for theft and illegal possession of weapons, and that he had evaded his military service. It was claimed that Khaled had died of ASPHYXIATION after he swallowed a packet of drugs.
Khaled Said's death enraged many Egyptians, who went out on demonstrations protesting his brutal murder and demanding justice for Khaled and for his assassins to be judged – all the way up to the Minister of Interior, Habib El Adly.
This video is about a demonstration that took place on the 16th of June 2010 near Khaled's house in Cleapatra district in Alexandria.
It was shot by Mohamed El Hadidi with Canon 550D Rebel T2i and edited by Mayye Zayed using Adobe Premiere CS4 without any kind of color correction. And it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
For more details about Khaled Said'd murder please check the following link:
I never saw such a critic of US way of living
Leonard Cohen – Democracy:
It's coming through a hole in the air,
from those nights in Tiananmen Square.
It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real,
or it's real, but it ain't exactly there.
From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day,
from the fires of the homeless, from the ashes of the gay:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming through a crack in the wall on a visionary flood of alcohol;
from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount
which I don't pretend to understand at all.
It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay,
from the brave, the bold, the battered heart of Chevrolet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the sorrow in the street
the holy places where the races meet;
from the homicidal bitchin'
that goes down in every kitchen
to determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment where the women kneel to pray
for the grace of God in the desert here and the desert far away:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on. O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.
It's coming to America first, the cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range and the machinery for change
and it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say
that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
It's coming from the women and the men.
O baby, we'll be making love again.
We'll be going down so deep
the river's going to weep,
and the mountain's going to shout Amen!
It's coming like the tidal flood beneath the lunar sway,
imperial, mysterious, in amorous array:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Sail on, sail on …
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight,
getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags that Time cannot decay,
I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A…
After I went to Chile, I’m trying to expose myself to the music of different languages. Spanish and French mainly. From time to time I find songs with English version.
After listening to the English version, I still don’t find the beauty I feel in my heart when I listen to the original language. I may not understand every word, but the original language always reaches my heart, which is usually not the case with translated English versions.
If you don’t know, I’m the editor of the Arabic version of Global Voices Online. I edit translations from the English version to the Arabic one. I do this mainly for my interest to increase Arabic content on the web. I also see original posts in Spanish translated to English. In translations, I don’t see the beauty of the original language.
Originality has music, has a different taste, something you can enjoy, adds to your soul. If you can, learn as many languages as you can, to enjoy its originality.
This video (via dear Rasha) is from the musical Notre Dame De Paris based on the novel by the same name by Victor Hugo. The story, along with the music of course, always strikes me deeply. Seeing what westerners accuse Arabs or Easterners with based deeply in the western soul since the Middle Ages.
How pure beauty can be seen as pure impurity. How all what matters is being a virgin. How can a corrupted person have all the authority to destroy this beauty as long as it didn’t obey his lustful needs. How are some people are just driven by their sexual needs. How can all the people obey blindly the human high authority and destroy this beauty under the same accusations of protecting purity and other so called social holy wars to preserve morality.
Who will cast the first stone at her, he who does not deserve to live…
As many westerners call for Arab/Eastern accepting “the other”, what do they mean by accepting? Do you mean accepting their mere existence? Do you mean discovering them? Do you mean discussing the deep cultural / religious details? Do you mean mingling between the cultures? Do you mean absorbing one culture in the other?
Let me explain 2 sides of a coin in the Egyptian society, the 2 extremes. We have extremely religious people who require some rituals to be strictly done so that you are in the “righteous” side, like having a long beard with a short galabeyya or whatever. We have extremely non-religious people who think religious people are so wrong and “regressive” so they want to require their neighborhood to do some rituals strictly like forcing them to drink wine, have premarital sex when they don’t want, either that or they don’t believe in freedom, etc..
Both are extremists in a way or another, both do not view freedom as a way of living. Both do not see the other, they just want to be “the one”, “the ONLY one”.
The same applies between people from different countries, though one thing adds here is the stereotypes between different people like I mentioned in the beginning of my last post. BUT, there are still a major difference westerners usually do not realize till they visit countries like Egypt or other countries in the Middle East.
I heard many stories about racism against Arabs, Muslims, Eastern people in general in Europe or the states. Racism not just through extra security measures issues by the governments, but worse, racial actions committed by normal citizens, and they are not a few incidents. Hate crimes are illegal by law, but they are there, they happen, they exist, they exist with a considerable ratio.
When westerners come to the Middle East, and they feel the hospitality they receive, not only from their hosts, but from the average citizen, when the opposite isn’t usually happening, at least not in the same “warmth”.
There is a story of an American Jew who visited Saudi Arabia where you can read here, and how he was thrilled by the tolerance he experienced. This is a very awkward situation to think of from a western point of view. An American Jew going to Saudi Arabia, just imagine that? He is not dead yet? Nope! Those was his own words:
Every man was generous, seemed delighted to be talking with an American, was open-minded or at least willing to have a frank conversation.
In the past days I was enjoying the company of some Danish and Egyptian artists. Artists of different kinds, music, food, photography, you can summarize it as just Art. We kept talking about Egypt and Denmark, the Egyptians and the Danes. We kept exploring each other, from different aspects. And in the same time, we mingled with average people, who might not always share the same views, or the same perspectives.
And as time kept passing by, I began to think. We always notice people talking about “the other”, accepting “the other”, communicating with “the other”, discovering “the other”. Is that expression really right? Should this expression exist in the first place? Are people around the world that different?
The Danes told me how some of them are still believing in the stereotype that Egypt is a desert with pyramids, with people travelling by camels. And I know Egyptians whose only information about Denmark is the Muhammad’s cartoons. Stereotypes stereotypes stereotypes, stereotypes everywhere and allover. If you considered a discussion starting point that every country or every country’s people believe in some kind of stereotype image of other country’s people, how will you continue the discussion about accepting?
This is the 4th Day of “Streets In Cairo” event by the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute
This day was a special day, Danish and Egyptian chefs spent hours in the Town House Factory preparing Egyptian food components while the DJs were preparing themselves for a major performance!
They brought different kinds of food and fruits. Apricot, water melons, okra, green salads, Egyptian beans, mint, even some yogurt. The idea was preparing Egyptian food in the Danish way.
For me this was like presenting a new perspective of things. Showing the same everyday usual from a different angle. We know the food, we know its usual taste, we know its form, but this time, everything is different. Shape, taste, smell, everything is just new.
We had this meal of fool (Egyptian beans), yoghurt.
Was delicious, exactly like enjoying new ideas.
Then the chefs prepared some new way of preparing watermelon:
Watermelons with okra, onions along with green salads.
People were enjoying themselves :)
We saw some geeky children, spending time dancing and working on laptops!
During and after this, Egyptian and Danish DJs started performing.
The Egyptian DJ Shehta began first by playing Sha’bi songs
The people were dancing and enjoying:
Event he Danish chefs joined!
Shehta was playing with the Danish DJ Asmund Boye Kverneland, who said that the Egyptian music fitted perfectly with his own style.
Different Danish DJs continued playing their own styles, it felt very open. Consuming different kinds of ideas and feelings.
This kind of events gives me the feeling that people are the same everywhere in the whole world, but they just see things from different perspectives, different point of views. But all the senses are the same, all the inside are the same. Only perspectives changes. What we need is communicate and discover. I don’t like using the term other, since it emphasizes that we are different, the thing which I don’t believe in since we are the same.
What we need is, discovery, communication and peaceful reaction between different perspectives.
Third part of the “Streets In Cairo” event.
We spent day 3 with the Danish and Egyptian DJs and photographers around Sayeda Zeinab area, in a small neighborhood beside Ibn Tulun Mosque, in Al Khalifa area.
The Egyptian artist Aalam Wassef introduced us to his workshop
He was telling us how was the people in the neighborhood were open-minded and didn’t impose the, what we called, Shakespearean right or wrong. How they just understood what is the real meaning for freedom towards his arts, towards cultural events as long as he didn’t “provoke” the normal people. For example, the example he mentioned, not kissing his girlfriend in public.
The path to Aalam’s workshop
We put our bags in his workshop then we went around the Egyptian traditional (ahwa) cafes around the corner, the people were very welcoming. Everyone is shouting “Welcome” to the Danish. In contrast, had a nice talk with Katrine Ring, one of the Danish DJs, she said that people think they are rude because they are not that warm or welcoming but it is just their nature. She said that in some countries she can spend several days without having a conversation with anybody, but in Cairo, she is talking everyday to 3 or 4 people she never met before.
The crowd then were scattered everyone in a direction, taking photographs and talking with people who know Aalam, then they went back to the hotel, getting ready for the next day’s major event.
Please click here for Day 1, and please follow DEDI twitter account for more news.
In Day 2 we spent most of the day in the Viennoise talking with the Danish photographers and artists. Had a great talk with Charlotte Haslund from Copenhagen. Her main activity is documentaries and art photography in several countries.
We talked about how photography exhibitions can expose details which are not noticed generally, giving feelings should be noticed more by people.
Charlotte Haslund the explorer.
In one of her projects, Natives: the Danes, she tried to reverse the colonial point of view by displaying the Danes as if they are colonized natives.
I was amazed at how reversing stereotypes can do outstanding changes to the viewers mind.
In her visit to Palestine, she was trying to portrait how the world is seeing the Palestinian cause in the form of a documentary and some photos. Many people are talking, but are the rest really listening?
Music is a language that has no boundaries, and art is an international language that anyone can understand. “Streets of Cairo” is a cultural event taking place in, of course, Cairo, for 10 days. The event is basically about social interaction between Danish artists and cooks to communicate with normal Egyptian people and discover the Egyptian life and spirit. It is arranged by DEDI
So yesterday decided to see what is happening, thinking that I would enjoying meeting some bright minds and enjoy the interaction between different cultures. The Danish people were residing in an old building in downtown Cairo called The Viennoise. I entered then I found out they were showing some presentations, the first about how to help drug addicts to facilitate treating them presenting images from drug addicts in Denmark, then the second was about forming images on metals using LASER.
Some children were there which spread a cheerful spirit in the air :)
There was some nice discussion going on, we even talked about Facebook privacy :)
After a while we went to a Shaabi Wedding (Folk Wedding), which was an amazing experience. The people there were thrilled to see the “foreigners” arriving, joining them in celebrations and dancing :)
The DJ (Egyptian) were nearly climaxing with the music (all Egyptian contemporary folk music)
And here some of the pictures I took for the wedding celebrations: