Posts by: Mohamed ElGohary
An Egyptian veteran blogger.Global VoicesLingua manager.
The Egyptian Shura Council and People's Assembly (The two houses of Parliament) are now on fire. Several officials suggesting an electric fire or a thrown away lighted cigarette!!!
Photos for the burning of the historical building with the unsuccessful attempts to turn down the fire even by helicopters can be available here and here.
Rumors say that the fire can be an intentional one, to burn documents related to some recent important incidents (related to corruption) Like Mamdouh Ismail Salam 98 case for example.
You can also see vidoes (updated every minute) for the fire directly and news coverages.
Personally, I'm now remembering the V for Vendetta movie ending, when the Parliament exploded.
Watch from the minute 4:30 if you want to watch the scene directly.
Zeinobia An eye witness
Juplia Flickr
Juplia Youtube here and here
My friend\graphics designer Gebara made this masterpiece in his Mubarak Phone series
Did you see the Vampire?
MubarakPhone will suck all the Egyptians' blood.
The graveyard is filled with important men, who couldn't be spared, but were in the end…
Every human relation, every human act, every human thought has its own reference. A human reference. This human reference can be noble or not. Can be justified to be over religion and ethics. At the moment of doing a certain life/death act you don't think that this act is right or wrong, you just do it with a big to-hell to the whole world.
We always complain about people, what people will say, what way they will look at you. Really…what's the use? Do they feed you? Usually not. So? People will always talk and will never stop. Why would you surrender?
Sometimes this is done internally. When a certain person is afraid that he is wrong though he is not. Being ashamed when there is no need to. Self fear, self censorship, leading to self destruction. Be it totally or just in one's soul. When you can't face yourself and retreat away with no excuse, with no warning, with no month notice. You just go away, leaving your soul away, surrendering everything which had some meaning, some value, some memory, some life.
I hate this way of letting away things with no known reasons, I feel confusion for a long time before I try (usually failing) to overcome this confusion. Analyzing and reanalyzing it again for so so long. I really want to tell myself: "It is over you idiot, don't waste your time and nerves on it. Any ended thing can never be the same again as it was and enjoy the moment as it is and never think about it when it is gone". But I just can't. I don't have the strength. I just keep myself absent from the world acting the victim blaming the whole world for my so-called misery, though in my current life I must feel content.
I don't waste my time. I have a life, a job, good cooperative work team, a perfect sister… What do I want more?
Maybe I want annoying people/relatives to leave me alone and know how destroying they are to me, again we go to the point of strength of facing. Yes, this is what I want…
The force to face anyone in the face and tell them they are annoying. And I'm glad that I'm succeeding in that.
P.S. Rediscovering Celine Dion, love the A New Day Has Come album :)
The court will be held in ElDokky Court in 24/9/2008 according to Egyptian Watchman
Murad, TO HELL!
The 6th of April Youth Movement detainees who were detained and attacked in Alexandria are now out. For the detainees from the rest of Egypt they are now on their way to Tanta in 15 mintues, then they will be going to Menofeya and Cairo
After a successful conference for the 6th of April's Youth Movement at the Ghad Party Alexandria HQ and their meeting with some of Alexandria's youth, those young people went to the beach wearing the movement's t shirts, singing patriotic songs and raising the Egyptian flags. They were also flaying a kite with the Egyptian Flag shape on it.
But then, strangely, State Security officers came and told them to stop singing and taking off their t shirts. This was opposing to National Security according to the officers. The people didn't obey the "order", so "naturally" the State Security forces attacked them physically while spraying them a strange substance (supposedly some sedative substance). Resulting in falling of some of them, so they dragged them on the ground to the SS cars, hitting them heavily several times.The SS took them to a place called ElFara'ena (The Pharaohs) in Alexandria. This place is known to be the HQ of the State Security in Alexandria.
This is a video shot just before the State Security attack happen
Those brave ones are arrested:
Khaled Adel
Mahinor ElMasry (The only girl) Update: She is now out, the rest still.
Youssef Shaa'ban
Bassem Fat'hy
Mustafa Maher
Amro Ali
Nour ElDeen Sob'hy
Medhat Shaker
Moa'tasem Bellah Mohammad
Tarek Tito
Mohammad Mahmoud
Ahmad Nassar
Ahmad Afifi
The State Security ordered that they will be detained for 15 days and this is the text for the reason of their detention
On Thursday, 24th of July
4 pm
In the case of detaining the Internet Activists
The case's number is 5943 for year 2008 Raml First Administration in Alexandria
Participating with others to disrupt the means of transport and disrupting traffic
Crowing for more than 5 persons in public places and collecting agents under the name of 6th of April movement via Internet and incitement to overthrow the regime and destabilize the Country
Inciting demonstrations by distributing leaflets within citizens to call for civil disobedience
The order:
Detention for 15 days for investigation
For more pics you can go there
It is observed this time the brutal security dealing with the detainees
via Fustat
BREAKING STORY – 10 activists from Ghad Youth and the April 6th Youth has been arrested at the Sidi Bishr beach in Alexandria. They were singing songs about Egypt and raised the Egyptian flag on the beach as well as wearing T-shirts with 6th of April on. According to reports, they have been taken to the Alexandria State Security Headquarters, al Farana, the same place where Kareem Amer was taken after the Muharram Beq riots in October 2005.
Via Fustat
According to the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information(AHNRI), Tamer Mabrouk was arrested on the 17th of July by police in Port Said. Mabrouk is currently involved in a libel lawsuit by the Trust company in Port Said, a company that he has dealt with extensively in his blog, and done some really good investigative citizen journalism on workers rights and environmental impacts and responsibilities of the factory on the water nearby, and how it effects the fish in the lake.
Mohamed Marei who was detained with James Buck in 6th of April was released on the 6th of July. This is an interview with by Sarah Carr.
rating: 1 of 5 stars
Well I think the author is presenting the world as a result of extreme neo-liberalization of World Economy, the duality of poor and rich. And to present the unity of the two parts from the perspective of sex, drugs and violence (though for different reasons).
Not so bad for a pessimistic point of view, but personally I don't agree with the author.