Posts by: Mohamed ElGohary
An Egyptian veteran blogger.Global VoicesLingua manager.
I guess that we are in the same place with that person who plays Mario here in this video. In democratic administrations, the game is so hard, but things develop in the right way. But in Egypt, the regime cheats to make the game impossible :)
This pic is a header from a fellow blogger, Hamede
It really made my day.
It all began well,
The commencement of the game,
I was really deep in it,
Deep…like a well,
How the game went so long,
Digging up the dirts,
Waiting for the results to be,
For this private investigation,
Feeling like hell,
With results as such,
I decided to go away,
For life,
Justified by treason,
There is no compensation,
After checking the reports,
With a bottle of vodka,
No alteration,
With all the confidential information,
With all the excuses,
I discovered that,
The blinds of the window,
Were never blind,
The bloggers and rights activists scored a new victory. Judge Mourad’s case to block 51 blogs and website, inluding mine, has has been thrown away. The Prosecutor’s interrogation of Blogger Amr Gharbeia has also been suspended.
I went to the independent movie festival for bloggers event tonight. Maybe I have some reservations on the "independent" expression since this just opposes the idea of the art itself, like some kind of discrimination, though it can be OK in a way or another.
There was 5 movies, 4 short and a long one.
Before talking about the movies, I just want to state that I'm not a professional as I may sound, I do not study drama, but I have special interest in the mutual influence between drama and the society which you find here in Arabic.
The first movie: "Sabeel El Seghar", which means "The children's drinking fountain". I don't know if I have to explain the idea of the movie, but I'll try not to do that :).
Director: Omar Khaled.
My opinion and critique: The director wanted us to love the life of these children, with all its rich details, though I still think that the movie had two separate "life scenes" for which the director did not succeed in connecting them in an appropriate way (in my opinion), only if the goal was not the story line, but the details. I also liked the symbolism of the love of the children of each other in the end of the movie.
The second movie: "Azraq wa ahmar", which means "Blue and Red"
Director: Mahmoud Soliman
Feedback: well it gave me a feeling of a try to justify pre-marraige relations as a short "ranged" solution to the problem, against the difficulties opposing marriages these days. I still see the problem is with the family and how the couple need to fight traditions in the frame of religion, not out of it. Religion is NOT controlled by any human, and for any human to claim control over religion, he is not connected to this religion, from my own perspective. (The movie didn't talk about religion I know, but the thing is I don't see that approach as a solution).
The third movie: "Youm El Etneen", which means "Monday"
Director: Tamer Sa'eed
Feedback: The movie recorded a very special moment. I really loved the harmony achieved between the married couple. So human and touching. We really need this type of romance, not that usual romance we see everyday in drama.
The fourth movie: Maxim, which is the name of the Egyptian-Greek hero of the movie.
Director: Mohamed Rashad
Feedback: I felt that the director wanted to express that rigidity of feelings in the form of being deeply religious against the idea of being free, free from some kind of traditions, makes the religious person just curse the free person. From the perspective of being jealous, or just complaining the obscenity from their perspective. These feelings were expressed in the repeated phrase: he is a devil, but God punished him.
The man just loves life, he has some passion for French style in everything, being it in language, ladies, life in general, (Though he is supposed to be Greek). I also sensed some of kind of homosexuality in the scene when he was near the bathroom door while the young dude was having a bath, I don't know if I got the right feeling.
While the same background in the Monastery (I don't know why it was translated to the word Minister, it is totally different), the same scene comes in flashes while moving in the rich life of Maxim, again expressing the traditionalism of religion, which in my opinion destroys any religion and transform it from a rich relation which makes life better and better, to a form of rituals done for the heck of it. A rigid form opposing any kind of change.
The long movie: "Ithaki" (It is the Greek name for a poem written in 1911, in Egypt)
Director: Ibrahim El Batoot
This is a new way of approach. Combining documentary and drama in one movie. In my opinion this gives a unique richness. For it overcomes the problem of lack of information. Esp in this movie where it tackles unusual professions and positions in the Egyptian movie scenes. So the director compensated this lack of information by the giving it in the documentary approach. The movie is so rich, so full of emotions. It is just so full of life.
I felt from this movie: is that every person fights his war. And that this is the most important thing in their opinion.
Really thank you for this movie.
House Of Egyptian Blogger Raided
Egyptian security forces raided on Sunday at dawn, June, 10, 2007, the house of the writer and blogger, Mohamed Mossad Yaqout. The security forces raided the blogger's house in Baltym, Kafr Al-Sheikh, at 2.00AM and disheveled the house furniture, seized the computer and a number of papers and books and they are still hunting Yaqout. Yaqout said in a phone call with Ikhwanweb that"The security forces want to arrest me because I support Ghobashi Al-Atawi and Ashraf Al Sayyed, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate in the Shura Council midterm elections for the constituency of Baltym. They want to detain me also because of my anti-regime writings. Yaqout, 26 years, confirmed that the State Security Police has no arrest warrant and it wants to detain him illegally. Yaqout, a researcher and web editor, is country chased by the security forces on groundless accusations. It is worth mentioning that Egyptian bloggers are facing harassments, bans and security manhunts to curb the freedom of speech and to stop opposition to the Egyptian authoritarian regime. Blogger Abdul Moneim Mahmoud, released several days ago, had been detained for publishing his torture stories under policemen in Egyptian police stations.
Rights lawyer Gamal Eid was notified last night his interrogation (originally scheduled today Tuesday 1oam) by the Abbassiya Prosecutor, on charges of libel and blackmail, part of the fabricated accusations Judge Abdel Fattah Mourad filed against Gamal and others, was postponed indefinitely.
Blogger Amr Gharbeia, however, was notified he is to be interrogated on Saturday.
Your Life Path Number is 7 |
![]() Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life. In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit. While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme. |
It’s 4:25am Cairo time now…. Moneim has been finally released, after he was taken to Alexandria’s State Security Police HQ in el-Fara’ana District. He arrived home around an hour and half ago. No details available yet about what happened during the day he spent in the custody of Mubarak’s Gestapo prior to the release.
Monem’s Safety and Life is in Danger!
Egyptian blogger Monem, whose release was ordered on May 30 by general prosecutor after 46 days imprisonment in Southern Cairo Torah prison was deported from prison at 2pm yesterday May 31st. Mr. Islam Lotfy, Monem’s lawyer, contacted us now from Cairo saying Monem was able to have someone call him and pass a message of his whereabouts as he moved.
Mr. Lotfy said Monem arrived Beheira governorate at 9pm, then arrived Ministry of Interior Transfers Department in Alexandria city at 3am today June 1st.
While Monem was able to pass a third message to his lawyer confirming he is inside Alexandria Transfers Department, security officials denied he ever appeared at their premises and Monem’s lawyers were dismissed.
“It is illegal to keep Monem for more than 24 hours after his release. I am worried Monem is being subject to re-interrogation by State Security, or even torture and re-detention” Says Mr. Lotfy.
Monem’s ordeal has been going on for 48 days now since his arrest on 15 April 07. His arrest came after giving a public torture testimoney during a human rights conference and also after posting his torture testimoney on his bog. Among the prelimenary charges for his arrest were “associating with Human Rights organisation in an effort to soil the image of the regime” and “discrediting the authorities by accusing them of routinely using torture in local police prisons”. Read more on charges against Monem here.
The Abbassiya Prosecutor interrogated today blogger and friend Amr Gharbeia on chrages of libel, part of the crackdown on the blogosphere orchestrated by Judge Abdel Fattah Mourad. The interrogation lasted for two hours and half, after which Amr was released on a LE200 bail.
Every one of us when we were children we were always told the famous phrase: “El Asfora Aletly” (meaning the bird told me, the bird expression in that time was used to describe people working as informers to the SS).
This feeling became so overwhelming, giving that somebody the feeling that he is in control, and then I control you due to the information I have about you. No matter how much this is invading to privacy, if this is annoying, embarrassing or whatever. All that matters is that I have information and then I will do with you whatever I want.
In the end I want to point out to an article which was wrote by the Egyptian journalist/blogger Wael Abbas, read it and comment if you want. I really wish that American tax-payers understand that they actually finance terrorism, the worst form of it, government terrorism.